

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


After  50 days of waiting...WE HAVE LOA!!!!!!!

Yesterday, my agency called and said they have our letter of acceptance.
This letter states that we have been accepted to adopt Leah.
We will have it in our hands today! This is a huge step in the waiting process.
All the other steps from here are little ones (week or two) and very predictable wait times. 

Our next packet of papers going out today is the I800.
This paperwork ties Leah's papers to our paperwork in the US.
We will wait about 2-3 weeks to get this approval.

A very likely date of travel will be either 
June 13th or July 4th. 
Our agency only has a couple days per month that they allow 
travel because they like to have everyone in groups. 
We have a lot to do to prepare.

Besides more paperwork, IT IS TIME TO START PACKING!!!

Please pray for Leah. 

She has received our family photo book but will not understand 
what is happening and why we are taking her.

Taking her away from the only thing she has ever known. 
Taking her away from her foster family. 
Taking her away from her normal routine. 
Taking her away from everything familiar. 

Please pray for her heart to prepare for this journey. 

Now that we have this acceptance, we can share pictures. 
I will post soon. :)


  1. Hurray!!!!!!!! So happy to hear this update! :)

  2. Congratulations! We are so happy for you!

  3. So so excited for you guys. Can't wait to see the pictures!!!!!! :)
