

Monday, December 2, 2013

God Providing

God Providing through you...

Money seems to be a touchy subject especially when you are asking other people for help.

If you do not already know, it is very humbling. Truly humbling.

When we started our adoption process in February, we knew knew that the financial aspect of adoption was going to be a hurdle.

We started asking ourselves tons of questions...Where were we going to get $30,000? Where we in over our heads? Would friends and family help support us? Do we want to ask people for their financial support? Will we be able to take advantage of the adoption tax credit? Will this change our family's financials for the rest of our lives?

We put our faith in the Lord and gave it all to him. Immediately, we started saving money. We cut way back on any optional spending, I started working more jobs to earn extra cash and we began putting money aside from our weekly paychecks. We have faith that God will provide if it is His will but we also understand that we need to do everything we can to contribute. We set up an account through adopttogether.org as a way of tax deductible giving. During our Fall Fundraiser, we were blessed more than expected. We were amazed but had a calm feeling that must have come from the Lord. Although our fall fundraiser is done, we have still been receiving gifts from family and friends.
 Gifts keep coming in and we feel a calm reassurance every time a gift comes through. Your gifts not only provide support but it also shows us that we are on God's path and he is directing the way.

Today, I would like to give you all a little idea of what expenses come with adoption, what we have raised so far and what is ahead of us.

Here is a link to our Adoption Fundraising Page.
This page breaks down all our expenses and shows what we have paid so far.

Since we have raised an amazing amount already, I decided to add a fundraising thermometer to keep track of the total amount raised through Adopt Together and personal donations. Check it out in the side bar and watch for updates.

God has and is doing amazing things in our adoption journey. If you have not already, I would like to ask you to prayerfully consider supporting our journey in bringing our daughter home from China. Your support will be life changing to her life and to our family. We would appreciate your help!


2 Corinthians 9

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